Hazel Gap Barn

Hazel Gap barn set in north Nottingham countryside has so many beautiful features from its stone walls and planted court yard but for a florist we look at a venue slight differently. We look at the amount of light in each room, where the most photographs will be taken, where will the guest be looking as they enter a room. There are so many factors that a florist will take into account

Hazel Gap with its large ceremony room, high ceilings and large fireplace just cries out to be decorated and so is famous for it fireplace flowers, hanging floral rings and flower balls

Instead of having small arrangements throughout the venue which can get lost in such a large room, a large installation such as a floral hoops or a mantelpiece display suits the size of the building and has a real impact on guests and is fabulous for your ceremony photographs as they will be in your main photographs


Thank you to https://www.pearbearphotography.com

White wedding bouquet